• The Most Important Patient is Your Parent

    Uncover personalized, professional advice for understanding your parent's condition while learning efficient strategies that will enable and empower you to provide the best care for your aging parent


Americans are living longer than ever before - about 30 years longer, on average, than a century ago (Century Summit, Stanford Center of Longevity). Although many have other life challenges and demands, they're making a decision to take on the roll of caregiver to their aging parents. In essence, they're parenting their own parents - the ones who raised them to become compassionate, responsible, loving adults.

Every day, many adults nationwide are making that decision
regardless of the fact that they're not ready or know how to be a caregiver.

One of their biggest questions is  "Where do I go for Information on Helping Care for my Parent?"  Their parent's doctor would be a wise place to start, but many seniors have several doctors (Internal Medicine, Gastroenterologist, Urologist, Orthopedist, and beyond).  Unfortunately, it's not possible to visit each one individually and engage in a meaningful conversation with each of them.

Regardless of the fact that your parent's Internal Medicine physician should be coordinating your parent's care, most often they don't receive updated healthcare information from your parent's specialists, (for example: visit notes, prescription lists or test results). In order to have complete records, these records must be updated and information must be sent to the primary doctor.  Even in an era dominated by computerized medical records, this usually doesn't happen.

What is Reverse Parenting?

Who is it for?

This portal is designed to help the adult children of elderly parents learn how to successfully cope with the responsibility of taking care of their parent(s) when they are no longer capable of taking care of themselves physically, mentally, and/or financially.

How does it work?

With Reverse Parenting, you will be able to schedule a teleconference session with a seasoned medical professional. This professional (physician, nurse practitioner, physician assistant) is experienced with the conditions and symptoms that typically affect geriatric patients.  Our team has assisted many families in their mission obtain the best care.

Our Resource Portal

Our resource portal offers a library of videos for additional instruction on specific topics.  It also features helpful documents, which were written by our professional staff.  In addition to Medical Providers, we'll connect you with Elder Care Lawyers, Financial Advisors, and Social Workers. You will find audio and visual resources to help stimulate your parent's memory as well as exercises to help them maintain strength and agility in their bodies.

What we help caregivers with

1 on 1 Consultation

1 on 1 is the most direct and personalized way for our team to teach you how to best help your parent. Since issues can be multifaceted, our team of experts come from a multitude of fields that relate to elder care. From medical advice, to elder law and finances; we're here to help you.

Easy Access Portal

In addition to 1 on 1 consultations, we can offer access an array of information through articles, which were written by each member of the team in their respective fields. There's also instructional videos and other resources such as Relaxation Music, Historical Newsreels and pictures from decades to help their memories. The portal is easy to access and the sign-up process is simple and efficient.

Your Finances

Of course, you want what's best for your parents. Sometimes that requires you to go into your savings , and may stress your resources. With our help you can learn how to manage your finances while providing the best care for your parents.

Reducing Caregiver's Stress

It is no easy task to become your parent's caregiver. From emotional to financial stress, it can become overwhelming. Caring for your parent does not mean that you stop caring for yourself. We'll provide ways to help you reduce your own stress.  This way you can maintain a healthy and happy attitude while you care for your parent.


It is typical for elders to be taking more medications as they age. It's important to know when this causes more harm than good. One of our professionals can review your parent's medication list to find the proper balance - what is truly needed versus what may potentially cause more harm.

Your Memory Lane

Journey down memory lane with your parent. Our portal includes memory resources as well as other helpful tools for your parent and you. Newsreels, Music and Pictures from several decades are available to you both.

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